Ecology & Natural Areas

Ecology and Natural Areas

Ecological research, analysis and application can inform environmental assessment, land use planning, sustainability analyses and basic science. Examples are provided here on analyses of ecological factors in urban and rural ecology.

Working Lands, Conservation and Cooperation: Agricultural Grasslands and Grassland Birds in Ontario, Canada, paper in proceedings of America’s Grasslands Conference, 2017

Characteristics of Urban Natural Areas Influencing Winter Bird Use in Southern Ontario, Canada, peer-reviewed paper in Environmental Management 2007

Winter Bird Use of Urban and Rural Habitats in Ontario, peer-reviewed paper in Canadian Field Naturalist, 2003

Application of detailed ground information to vegetation mapping with high spatial resolution digital imagery, peer-reviewed paper in Remote Sensing of the Environment, 1992

Amphibian Distribution with Respect to Pond Water Chemistry near Sudbury, Ontario, peer-reviewed paper in Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 1992

Our Great Lakes Natural Heritage, article and fold-out map in Seasons magazine (precursor to On Nature) 1988

Distinctive Great Lakes Habitats, article in Legacy: The Natural History on Ontario, McClelland & Stewart Publishers, 1989

Wetlands on the Edge: Great Lakes Wetlands and Coastal Management, paper in Proceedings of Wetlands Conference, 1988

Ontario’s Program for Wetland Inventory and Management, paper in Proceedings of Wetlands Conference, 1988


Observer and Annual Variation in Winter Bird Population Studies,  paper in Wilson Bulletin, 1984